
Monday 17 March 2014

The Beauty Scenario TAG!



Hey everyone today I am going to be doing the beauty scenario TAG. This tag was created by Lily Pebbles she does YoutTube videos and here is her beauty scenario TAG! she also has a blog that you should all check out if you haven't already. I watched it when Lily had first uploaded it then a couple of days ago I noticed that Fleur De Force had done it too. My friend Verity Price who also has a blog has done this in a blog post and tagged me in it.
So here I go..

Scenario 1- You have to get rid of all of your foundations and you can only keep one high end and one drug store foundation, which ones do you keep? 

This isn't a hard question for me as I haven't really ventured into high end makeup yet so I don't have a high end one that I would pick. As for drug store I would pick the Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation.
Scenario 2- You go for an interview and the lady interviewing you has lipstick on her teeth do you approach the subject or ignore it completely.
I am not really sure on this one but  I think 9 times out of 10 I would ignore it because I wouldn't want to make her feel awkward or embarrassed especially if it was being filmed. I tell my friend all the time if she has but in a interview I don't think I would. 

Scenario 3- Your not feeling yourself and need a pick me up, which lipstick do you put on to make yourself feel beautiful?
I don't wear lipstick a lot but if I was to in this situation it would be the Rimmel Kate Matte Lipstick in Kiss Of Life which is a gorgeous colour.
Scenario 4- You go back in time for a day to your teenage years, how would you do your hair and make-up differently?
Well as for hair I would not have dyed it as early on as I did, I think I started dying my hair when I was 13 or 14 and I definitely wouldn't have cut it really short as it has never grown back to the lovely long length It once was! And then makeup.. I wouldn't actually change anything I think you have to make mistakes so you can learn from them, even though I wouldn't class how I used to wear my makeup a mistake. I would wear really thick eyeliner and everyone called me a 'goth' but I loved it at the time and didn't care what people thought and I don't regret doing my makeup how I wanted it no matter what people would say about me or how you "SHOULD" wear your makeup. Now I wear a very toned down version, on the days I wear makeup I will always be wearing eyeliner I have just learner a nicer and more appropriate every day way to do it now.
Scenario 5- You ask your hairdresser for a shoulder length Pixie Lott haircut but they hear you wrong and give you a Pixie cut, Do you A) smile and say thank you, leave and then call your mum hysterical B) Cry in the chair and things get awkward OR C) Complain to the manager and ask for a refund?
My answer is B.. I would cry in the chair and it would get awkward haha. I think I would also do part of C, I would complain to the manager but I wouldn't think of asking for a  for a refund, no amount of money is going to make your hair grow back! I would also partly feel a little bad after id left for making such a fuss but for someone like me who's hair doesn't grow very fast this would be a disaster.

Scenario 6- Your friend surprise you with a 4 day city break and you have one hour to pack, which do it all palette do you pack in your make up bag?
Ok.. on a every day basis I only really wear a little concealer a bit of powder.. then I use my NAKED 1 pallet and eyeliner and mascara (and fill in my eyebrows) I don't really wear blush or bronzer a lot so I would say my naked pallet.

Scenario 7- Your house has been robbed, don't worry everyone is safe but your beauty stash has been raided...what is the product you really hope is safe?Ohh this is a hard question for me im going to have to say 2 and they are actually from the same makeup line.
 The first is my eyeliner which is the 
L'Oreal Superliner Perfect Slim in Black Intense 
and the L'Oreal Brow Artiste in dark brown. i get both of these from Superdrug but the eyebrow pencil is sold out at the moment.

Scenario 8- Your friend borrows your make up and returns it in an awful condition do you a) just pretend you haven't noticed b) ask them to re purchase it or c) do the same to one of theirs
I think I would chose A simply because I would much rather replace the item myself than to cause an argument or make them feel awkward and obliged to pay for it.. unless they offer then I would let them get another one if it was in a really bad state.

So thats it done! this is a really good TAG and if your a YouTuber or blogger reading this I tag you to do this. If you do let me know and I will check it out.

Thanks for reading

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