
Thursday 19 February 2015

Hi guys me again!

You may have noticed I have deleted a few of my more recent posts, this is because I want to do the best I can and they wasn't my best work. I don't want to write for the sake of writing. I want you all to enjoy what I write and if I am feeling happier with what I am writing then hopefully you will all enjoy reading it more.

Thanks for baring with me Life changes so much from week to week. I am currently doing slimming world and I am on my 5th week! I will be giving you weekly updates on that in the near future I am in the process of writing my SW story!- I have also started the gym and that's another post in itself!
I also have a few reviews on the way so look out for all of them too.

"When life gives you a wall to climb.. then climb it!"
           I heard a lady say that to her friend this morning when I was in line of my local supermarket.. and I really liked it so I just thought id leave you on that note.

Ill be back soon!

Thanks for reading


Tuesday 16 September 2014



So I went on to my YouTube subscriptions.. as you do when you've got nothing else to do and I see that Marzia had done the 'Selfie TAG!' so I decided to do a blog post of it, The tag I believe was created by ABC because they have a new show called Selfie which premiers on Tuesday September 30th at 8|7c in America.. I live in the UK so I am sure it will come a little later but I am excited to watch it when if finally gets here!

I thought it was a fun tag and got a little carried away making it look more fun, enjoy!

#1What is your best physical
Well.. I would say my eyes, I don't like my eyelids but when I've put my eye shadow eyeliner and mascara on I just like how they look. 
#2 If you could visit anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
I would defiantly go to New York if I could! I've wanted to go for a long time but if  I am being honest we haven't had the money, To me New York is like Americas London.. correct me if I am wrong but that's how I see it.
#3 What do you need to feel better when you are sick?
I need.. my sofa, my dog(or boyfriend) whoever is here at the time haha, the TV preferably with the soaps or pretty little liars/gossip girl box set! and my pink leopard print blanket, its so cosy! <3

#4 What one piece of advice would you give to the youth of the United Kingdom and why?


Ok I am sorry but 'chavs' (mainly boys from about 14- early 20's..i think) these days have they're whole bum out walking down the road.. that's not cool not attractive and becomes a problem when they actually fall the whole way down when your walking in a shopping centre.. yes I've seen this happen hopefully not again!
And on a more serious note.. we all need to start being nicer they way I have heard some people talk to people older than them.. even friends is disgusting and it needs to change.
#5 What animal do you think you were on your passed life?

Probably a dog, I love dogs! it wasn't always this way though when I was a toddler, me and my mum was walking home from taking my brother to school we walked by a house and a German Sheppard barked in my face and scared me really really bad, I cried a lot, my mum picked me up and promised me we would go to the shop and get some smarties! Because smarties make everything better right? Well at the time it did.

#6 If you could travel back in time what would you change?

The end of my pregnancy.
#7 What do you do for fun on weekends?

I don't do it a lot but I love watching older films or going to the cinema! Spending time with my boyfriend/friends & Family.
#8 What's your biggest workplace pet peeve?

This was a harder question as the job I have I am usually on my own so if its something that I do that I get annoyed at myself for is forgetting something!
#9 I wouldn't be caught dead without ____.

My phone! I don't really need to explain this one.. I cant help it but my phone is like another limb to me.

#10 If you could have one superpower what would it be?
I would defiantly be invisible.. not the most inventive but it would be amazing yet also very powerful for you any way.. anyone that can go invisible out there use it wisely!
or Bernard's watch!

Ok that's it for the selfie tag! I tag anyone else that wants to do this in either blog or video form! If you do it make sure to send me the link in the comments so I can go look!
Thanks for reading

Friday 5 September 2014

Sister Sleepover?


The weeks seem to be going by so quick now, who would have thought that we are just 3 months away from Christmas now? Well you would have thought right if you did because we are haha! Anyway.. a few weeks ago I had my step sister Christine/Chrissy stay over for the weekend, we didn't do much just had a little catch up and sat around in our pyjamas watching girly films! I hadn't seen her for a while which was starting to bug me! She's 16 now.. which I cant get my head around. Going back to the 'how fast the weeks are going by' well weeks.. turned into months and then a year, I don't think I had seen her in over a year and as I've said before I want to really try and find the time for the people I love as life is too short!
Ok the picture at the top of the page wasn't from the weekend Christine stayed it was from 2010! 4 whole years ago.. she hasn't changed much. I used to love the weekends id go to my dads she would be my little 'model'  I would practice doing her hair ( I was at college around that time) we did a bit of that when she stayed too. The picture below is from 2010 also..

This is us today!
(Well the other weekend)

I wasn't the only one pleased to have her stay that's for sure! Tilly (my dog) ended up sleeping by her feet all night on the sofa!

Christine is a natural beauty and doesn't really wear makeup or do her hair. She asked me if I would do her makeup, I just put a tiny bit of concealer and powder on for her and just mascara.. that was it, she was happy with that.  I don't typically wear a lot of makeup myself anymore unless I know I am going somewhere I want to look like I 've made more of an effort for!
 Chrissy had never plucked her eyebrows or done anything to them, I am a little obsessed with eyebrows at the moment (weirdo I know), I wanted to do hers for her, she hated it so we didn't get very far, I didn't want to do it if she really didn't like it.. we got a few laughs out of it though!

Below is just a few more pictures from when she stayed. No doubt she will stay again soon and we might do something more interesting.. ill update you when this happens!

Thanks for reading

Sunday 31 August 2014

Windy Walk With The Boyfriend & Doggy.


 So the weather is defiantly changing, and it is getting colder. You've still got to make time to go out for a nice walk though! I went for a walk with my boyfriend and our dog and on this occasion I thought I would take a few pictures as we don't get to go for a walk together that often anymore.

Just a short one from me today, I have a few other posts in mind. I am not sure if the pictures look a little yellow-ey on your computer but they didn't before i uploaded them on here so not sure what happened there.

When we got home I think this little one was finished for the day!

 Thanks for reading,

Friday 29 August 2014

LUSH! Review/ First Impressions.


So.. I went to lush! Yes I finally did it after a little push in the right direction from Verity when we went shopping a couple of weeks ago. I haven't got a clue really why I 've never been in there. I fell in LOVE when I walked through the door. Its so bright and so many different smells haha!
So I only got 2 things but also got a sample of a face mask ill put some pictures below and a little description below for anyone that's interested.

TWILIGHT bath bomb £3.25

I didn't edit the picture above as I wanted anyone reading to see the true colours.
Its so nice to watch a bath bomb work its magic I was actually standing next to the bath for a couple of minutes watching it fizz away and change the colour of the water.

I got into the bath just after this picture and the smells coming from this bath bomb were sooo nice! I mean I smelt it in the shop and thought oh that's a nice but I didn't realise I would like it that much, I think when your in the lush shop there is so much to choose from and so many different scents. When you get home and actually use your products its so much better as you've only got the one scent in front of you.. it left my bathroom smelling lovely for a pretty long time too!
With this one I didn't realise it actually has blue in the middle too so when it had finished it left the bath a lovely pinky purple colour!!
I highly recommend this one to anyone that's new to lush as I was.

THE COMFORTER Bubble Bar £4.50

I must say this one was actually my favourite out of the two but I did really love twilight too!
I love a good bubble bath you can certainly see that's its a bubble bar that's for sure! I got this one on the recommendation of verity as its one of her favourites. I can also see myself wanting to get this one every time I get the chance to go in lush! I must have used this 3 times (I think they recommend 2 times but I did pick the biggest one as they vary in size.) and each time I got out of the bath I felt so fresh and could smell the scent hours after id got out of the bath which is a nice plus to this product. This also leaves you will a gorgeous pink colour in the water too, what more can you ask for, bubbles , pink bath water & smells amazing!

CUPCAKE fresh face mask. £6.25

This face mask defiantly smells of chocolate its very rich in its scent and it did feel amazing on my skin, I can only comment on the one time of me using it. As I said above they were nice enough to give me and verity a few samples as she's a regular shopper to lush. The sample was enough for one use. I would say £6 for a face mask is expensive to me but the full size product is really big and you would get loads of use out of it. It did leave my skin feeling lovely and I did feel really refreshed after using it. I think I would see the benefits if I used it more so I think when I have enough money saved I want to go and do a decent shop in lush and I would get this.

P.s yes that's me underneath with the face mask on and conditioner in my hair.. Haha loved it!

This was my first experience with all things lush I was also given a sample hair mask to try which I haven't used yet. I loved lush and I will defiantly be going again.

Thanks for reading

Thursday 28 August 2014

A day with family.


So yesterday I went to southend with my mum and dad, we had a really nice chilled day and ended up walking along the pier, I didn't know it was over a mile long haha silly me! Its really important to spend time with your family, especially if you no longer live with them. As you know my mum and dad aren't together anymore but we all get along very well and my dad comes down every Friday to see me and my brother at my mums. I love that we can go out together like this because I know not everyone whos parents aren't together anymore get to expierence this, I did take a few pictures so I will put them below if anyone is interested in seeing some.

 Haha this picture below makes me laugh, slightly wind swept and not really ready for the picture!

We did walk the pier and got the little train on the way back as we were in abit of a rush near the end as I had to be back for work, the picture above on the right was on the train, I am not going to lie I did feel a little bit freaked out it was a bit of a bumpy ride! The picture on the left is me and my mum we were just casually walking along and I thought why not do a selfie with her.

We of course walked round the shops and I went into Pandora, I fell in love with this ring and took a picture as my 21st birthday is coming up and my dad said he would get it for me and to send him the picture, so I thought I would share it all with you too.

I'd just like to add its good to go out with no makeup on sometimes. I did this day and didn't even think about it. I know when I was younger I never used to do it and I would feel really insecure but nobody cares what you look like, except for you.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Promise me everything is going to be ok.

What do you do when your scared and you don't trust anyone or believe that they can help you. How do we put our faith in that they can save us?
I feel like I am ready to be a mother.. I mean I was ready in 2012 when the worst thing happened. When you fall pregnant and its a shock your minds all over the place, you wonder what people will think, your scared to tell people.. I was like this and in the end I just come out with it no tip toeing around.. you just say it!
My mum knew first as she was waiting as I done the test, it said positive so I did another which also said positive. She was fine about it and just carried on putting the cheese on her toast. I then sent my boyfriend a picture of the test and he called me and said so does that mean your pregnant.. yes I said and he just laughed and went on about how we was going to name the baby after a Chelsea player!
I was over the moon that he was so supportive and after he got telling all of his family out of the way I think he was more comfortable with it. We were both shocked but happy and as time went on it started to sink in more that we were going to be parents. We got so excited and we prepared ourselves for the arrival of our little girl.
The pregnancy wasn't great but I actually loved the feeling of being pregnant I loved feeling her kick and move around and hiccup! I used to talk to my belly quite a bit and I felt I was growing closer and closer to her.. I was so ready for her to be born and start being the best mum I could be!
When that didn't happen.. I had to try and get used to being just regular old me again. Do you know how hard that is? I had to take what felt like 100 steps back in life. It was an even bigger adjustment than finding out I was pregnant. Life is so hard and throws curve balls at you all the time.  Me and my boyfriend are so ready. There's just one thing stopping me, well not stopping me just scares me. The thought that I might die if I get pregnant again scares me so much and to see people who are so bad in they're pregnancy.. smoking, doing drugs and drinking and they have a completely normal run and the baby comes out perfect! How? Why me? When I tried so hard to be good? As I said before I loved being pregnant and now even the thought of it makes me feel nervously sick.
The point is no body that can tell me its all going to be fine, you and your baby will be ok Emma and that scares me.

There's so many things that can go wrong but I am only asking for one thing to go right, just this once, I wont ask for anything again, Please let everything be ok this next time.

So I was thinking a lot today about future pregnancies, if any of you have had pre eclampsia and got pregnant again and it went ok or you got it again but how it was different how the hospitals treated you this time,  or just have general advice please comment below it would be a big help.

Thanks for reading.