
Friday 29 August 2014

LUSH! Review/ First Impressions.


So.. I went to lush! Yes I finally did it after a little push in the right direction from Verity when we went shopping a couple of weeks ago. I haven't got a clue really why I 've never been in there. I fell in LOVE when I walked through the door. Its so bright and so many different smells haha!
So I only got 2 things but also got a sample of a face mask ill put some pictures below and a little description below for anyone that's interested.

TWILIGHT bath bomb £3.25

I didn't edit the picture above as I wanted anyone reading to see the true colours.
Its so nice to watch a bath bomb work its magic I was actually standing next to the bath for a couple of minutes watching it fizz away and change the colour of the water.

I got into the bath just after this picture and the smells coming from this bath bomb were sooo nice! I mean I smelt it in the shop and thought oh that's a nice but I didn't realise I would like it that much, I think when your in the lush shop there is so much to choose from and so many different scents. When you get home and actually use your products its so much better as you've only got the one scent in front of you.. it left my bathroom smelling lovely for a pretty long time too!
With this one I didn't realise it actually has blue in the middle too so when it had finished it left the bath a lovely pinky purple colour!!
I highly recommend this one to anyone that's new to lush as I was.

THE COMFORTER Bubble Bar £4.50

I must say this one was actually my favourite out of the two but I did really love twilight too!
I love a good bubble bath you can certainly see that's its a bubble bar that's for sure! I got this one on the recommendation of verity as its one of her favourites. I can also see myself wanting to get this one every time I get the chance to go in lush! I must have used this 3 times (I think they recommend 2 times but I did pick the biggest one as they vary in size.) and each time I got out of the bath I felt so fresh and could smell the scent hours after id got out of the bath which is a nice plus to this product. This also leaves you will a gorgeous pink colour in the water too, what more can you ask for, bubbles , pink bath water & smells amazing!

CUPCAKE fresh face mask. £6.25

This face mask defiantly smells of chocolate its very rich in its scent and it did feel amazing on my skin, I can only comment on the one time of me using it. As I said above they were nice enough to give me and verity a few samples as she's a regular shopper to lush. The sample was enough for one use. I would say £6 for a face mask is expensive to me but the full size product is really big and you would get loads of use out of it. It did leave my skin feeling lovely and I did feel really refreshed after using it. I think I would see the benefits if I used it more so I think when I have enough money saved I want to go and do a decent shop in lush and I would get this.

P.s yes that's me underneath with the face mask on and conditioner in my hair.. Haha loved it!

This was my first experience with all things lush I was also given a sample hair mask to try which I haven't used yet. I loved lush and I will defiantly be going again.

Thanks for reading

1 comment:

  1. I love lush!

    Btw your blog is amazing. Write to me if you want to follow each other on bloglovin or GFC. :)
