
Monday 25 August 2014

4 months?

So its been 4 months? yes, yes it has. Writing your feelings down can be hard sometimes. Even writing your opinions can be hard too because everyone has different views on everything! What do you do when you've got so much in your head that you want to share with the world but your not sure if you can or even should?

Well I've decided to really try at blogging and if I fail and come back in another 4 months then who cares.. at least I can say I have tried right?

So why do I even bother with this? I bother because sometimes.. well more or less all the time when I write something down and just get it out of my head I feel better. I feel I am not holding things in, not trying to be cut off from the world anymore.  I find it hard to open up to people and putting it in a blog post is so much easier, its there for other people to read and if they are going through the same sort of thing then they know they are not the only one. Whenever something goes wrong we all think why me? why now? Some people don't care if other people are going through things too but if your one of those people that are a little bit nosy.. well intrigued sounds better (like me haha) then you will like to know how other people are feeling and what's going on in the world.. so lets do it.

Ok so ive said it I am really going to try hard to write what I feel like when I feel like it.. although I find it hard to put in words sometimes, I really want to re vamp my blog and make it the best I can with what I have its all trial and error in everything in life. Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading,


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