
Friday 5 September 2014

Sister Sleepover?


The weeks seem to be going by so quick now, who would have thought that we are just 3 months away from Christmas now? Well you would have thought right if you did because we are haha! Anyway.. a few weeks ago I had my step sister Christine/Chrissy stay over for the weekend, we didn't do much just had a little catch up and sat around in our pyjamas watching girly films! I hadn't seen her for a while which was starting to bug me! She's 16 now.. which I cant get my head around. Going back to the 'how fast the weeks are going by' well weeks.. turned into months and then a year, I don't think I had seen her in over a year and as I've said before I want to really try and find the time for the people I love as life is too short!
Ok the picture at the top of the page wasn't from the weekend Christine stayed it was from 2010! 4 whole years ago.. she hasn't changed much. I used to love the weekends id go to my dads she would be my little 'model'  I would practice doing her hair ( I was at college around that time) we did a bit of that when she stayed too. The picture below is from 2010 also..

This is us today!
(Well the other weekend)

I wasn't the only one pleased to have her stay that's for sure! Tilly (my dog) ended up sleeping by her feet all night on the sofa!

Christine is a natural beauty and doesn't really wear makeup or do her hair. She asked me if I would do her makeup, I just put a tiny bit of concealer and powder on for her and just mascara.. that was it, she was happy with that.  I don't typically wear a lot of makeup myself anymore unless I know I am going somewhere I want to look like I 've made more of an effort for!
 Chrissy had never plucked her eyebrows or done anything to them, I am a little obsessed with eyebrows at the moment (weirdo I know), I wanted to do hers for her, she hated it so we didn't get very far, I didn't want to do it if she really didn't like it.. we got a few laughs out of it though!

Below is just a few more pictures from when she stayed. No doubt she will stay again soon and we might do something more interesting.. ill update you when this happens!

Thanks for reading

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