
Tuesday 16 September 2014



So I went on to my YouTube subscriptions.. as you do when you've got nothing else to do and I see that Marzia had done the 'Selfie TAG!' so I decided to do a blog post of it, The tag I believe was created by ABC because they have a new show called Selfie which premiers on Tuesday September 30th at 8|7c in America.. I live in the UK so I am sure it will come a little later but I am excited to watch it when if finally gets here!

I thought it was a fun tag and got a little carried away making it look more fun, enjoy!

#1What is your best physical
Well.. I would say my eyes, I don't like my eyelids but when I've put my eye shadow eyeliner and mascara on I just like how they look. 
#2 If you could visit anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
I would defiantly go to New York if I could! I've wanted to go for a long time but if  I am being honest we haven't had the money, To me New York is like Americas London.. correct me if I am wrong but that's how I see it.
#3 What do you need to feel better when you are sick?
I need.. my sofa, my dog(or boyfriend) whoever is here at the time haha, the TV preferably with the soaps or pretty little liars/gossip girl box set! and my pink leopard print blanket, its so cosy! <3

#4 What one piece of advice would you give to the youth of the United Kingdom and why?


Ok I am sorry but 'chavs' (mainly boys from about 14- early 20's..i think) these days have they're whole bum out walking down the road.. that's not cool not attractive and becomes a problem when they actually fall the whole way down when your walking in a shopping centre.. yes I've seen this happen hopefully not again!
And on a more serious note.. we all need to start being nicer they way I have heard some people talk to people older than them.. even friends is disgusting and it needs to change.
#5 What animal do you think you were on your passed life?

Probably a dog, I love dogs! it wasn't always this way though when I was a toddler, me and my mum was walking home from taking my brother to school we walked by a house and a German Sheppard barked in my face and scared me really really bad, I cried a lot, my mum picked me up and promised me we would go to the shop and get some smarties! Because smarties make everything better right? Well at the time it did.

#6 If you could travel back in time what would you change?

The end of my pregnancy.
#7 What do you do for fun on weekends?

I don't do it a lot but I love watching older films or going to the cinema! Spending time with my boyfriend/friends & Family.
#8 What's your biggest workplace pet peeve?

This was a harder question as the job I have I am usually on my own so if its something that I do that I get annoyed at myself for is forgetting something!
#9 I wouldn't be caught dead without ____.

My phone! I don't really need to explain this one.. I cant help it but my phone is like another limb to me.

#10 If you could have one superpower what would it be?
I would defiantly be invisible.. not the most inventive but it would be amazing yet also very powerful for you any way.. anyone that can go invisible out there use it wisely!
or Bernard's watch!

Ok that's it for the selfie tag! I tag anyone else that wants to do this in either blog or video form! If you do it make sure to send me the link in the comments so I can go look!
Thanks for reading

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