
Saturday, 15 February 2014

A Women's Best Friend.



This post is going to be about my dog Tilly.
When my mum had split from my stepdad in 2010 and we moved house I said to my mum that I wanted a dog. A couple of months after being there, if I am being honest I was feeling very lonely as this was the time me and my friends drifted apart and I became very unsociable and didn't want to do the same things we always did we live in a small village and once you've done the same thing day in day out it can get boring for some. I wanted 'a friend' as cliché and sad as that sounds I wanted someone to be there with me when I was feeling alone.
My mum wasn't too sure at first I think this may have been because I had only ever had goldfish as a pet before. After 5 months of being there she said I could and I spoke to my dad and he said he would get me a dog for my birthday which was a couple of months later. I was so excited and started looking online for a puppy!

My first breed of choice was a Yorkshire terrier I looked around and found a few but carried on looking. On the day I found Tilly I was just browsing over a few advertisement sites and then saw the picture of her!! I thought she was adorable and when I read what it said underneath I was even more pulled in, the advertisement read something like this..
"1year old female Chihuahua X Jack Russell for sale. I am selling as I have just got a full time job and I live in a caravan and I don't think its fair for her to be kept locked up inside a small space all day"

I felt bad for the women because it seemed she really loved her and was doing the best thing for her. We called the number and a couple of hours later the lady came to our house with her, she ran round like a lunatic haha and was really energetic and excited and even ended up showing that by peeing in the dining room (hahahaha).
Me and my mum fell in love with her and the lady said she felt confident that we would be a good new family for her, but she had already arranged to meet with a few other people too.. so we waited with anticipation and the lady got back to us and said she was ours if we still wanted her (of course we did) and that she would drop her off at the end of the week.
I immediately got on the phone to my dad and he agreed to pay for her as a early birthday present and I can tell you now she is the best birthday present I have ever got or will ever get.

To people who haven't had a dog don't really understand how attached you get and how you feel bad every time you leave them alone in the house.. I must admit we have spoilt her and she is a very clingy dog and does get a little sad when we go to put our shoes on but when we get back no matter how long we have been she hasn't made a mess on the floor (only when she's been ill and we haven't left her for that long when she has been) or ruined anything she is just asleep on the sofa or in her bed.
Tilly is honestly the most amazing and loyal friend ever! I know she's a dog but she is the only one that has been there to lick away my tears or lay with me when I am sad and do goofy things to make me laugh (without trying obviously) I honestly think she can sense when there is something wrong and she is always by my side!

I never thought I would love a dog this much and didn't really understand why people got so attached to pets but its true they are a part of your family and I don't know what I would do without her now!

To my best friend Tilly.. Thank You <3

*This may be a little cheesy but I don't care because everything I have said about this truly amazing dog is honest*

Thanks for reading

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