
Friday, 31 January 2014

From The Beginning.


Hi everyone my name is Emma and I've been reading a few peoples blogs a while now and I thought I'd give it a try. I love everything beauty and fashion. I will be writing blog posts about anything that springs to mind weather it be something make-up/beauty related or even day to day life.  First I'll tell you all a little bit more about myself (the short version well as short as i can make it) I may do some separate posts about some of the things I mention and go into more detail about it.

I am 20 years old  and I live in essex. I grew up in Tunbridge wells kent  where my mums family are but due to my mum and dad separating and he moved to essex my mum thought it would be best to move closer to him as she thought me and my brother rob was missing out . We adored our dad and mum could see it was hard not having him around all the time.

Me my mum and brother moved house a few times. We were renting houses and the contracts would run out. When my mum met my stepdad and got married we then moved to another house and lived there for about 4 years. Until their relationship ended , we then moved to a house just me my mum and brother again and it finally felt like I could relax and call somewhere home. When we moved  the last time I was finishing my last year at school , on the night of my school prom I didn't go me and a few friends camped in my back garden and if I'm being honest I didn't feel like I was missing out on much as we did have a good night even if it was only in my garden. 

I finished school ending up with no A-C grade GCSE's and now looking back I am not proud of that. If I could tell my younger self one thing it would defiantly be to try hard in school/stop being so rebellious. I ended up getting a part time job about 4 months after I left school . This was also the point I stopped having a social life. All I d do was work and when I wasn't I'd stay at home literally doing nothing sitting there feeling sorry for myself. I'd made no effort to go out with my friends and got into a really bad 'funk' of that I  didn't want to do anything, I did see one of my friends every so often but probably like once every couple of weeks. She stopped coming to see me and  I continued on like this for about 6 months .
I remember coming home from work one day on the bus listening to music on my phone  and then out of the blue I got a text. It read " thought I should let you know me and chris are together" .  Chris was a boy who was in our friend group from the beginning of year 8 and I always had a soft spot for him . There were a few times we were about to be together but  it just never ended up that way because my best friend liked him too and I wasn't going to go there for that reason alone. I felt like I couldn't have an opinion on them being together as I'd been absent for a long time and she wasn't my best friend anymore I hadn't seen her for months.

2 weeks went by and then they both come to see my we watched a film and all sat on my bed . I felt really awkward and kind of weird that this was happening, I had only been around them both when we were all friends and now they were in a relationship .
Long story short they lasted about 3months and I ended up getting closer to chris again. The 6 months that went by with us not talking was a distant memory because we were now closer than ever. My best friend was no longer a part of our group. It was just me, chris and our two other friends who were in a relationship. we were spending a lot of time together and deeper feelings developed.
You can't help who you really like. I felt like I had  missed out in the past and I wanted to make a go of it with him.

I know everyone will have their own opinion  on this and your entitled to. 
Me and chris started seeing each other just under a month after they had split. (He ended it with her  because of her own wrong doing)  It felt so right but at the same time I'd found 'the one' I also ended up losing my best friend of just over 7 years. 
In my head I was saying to myself "she never thought about me when she got with him" and throughout the years all I did was put her feelings first.  For one of the first times in this sort of situation I put myself first and to this day I'm glad I did because I have now been with chris just over 2 years  and we have lived with each other for  6 months now.  I wish I hadn't lost a good friend  over a boy and I do feel bad for how it made her feel. I  was feeling (more or less) the same when she was with him. All that aside we have spoked since and  although we're not friends we've cleared the air.

There is so much more I haven't said  and time gaps of which I haven't mentioned/ haven't gone into much detail about but I will be writing about it all soon.  Please be patient with me this isn't going to be a really professional blog (maybe one day haha)  I'm just starting out. Wish me luck (:

Thanks for reading,
Emma xoxo